Genetic mapping of thet-complex region on mouse chromosome 17 including theHybrid sterility-1 gene

t-haplotypes occupy a region on chromosome (Chr) 17 which slightly overlaps the ends of theT-H-2 interval. The wild-type form of this 14 centi-Morgan (cM) region was mapped in a multilocus backcross (C57BL/10-T×C3H)F1×C57BL/10 using 15 DNA probes on Southern blots of the DNA extracted from 53 animals which were recombinants in theT-H-2 interval. Each recombinant was also progenytested to ascertain itsHybrid sterility-1 (Hst-1) genotype by crossing to PWB/Ph, aMus musculus-derived inbred strain. The limit of resolution of the cross was 0.27 cM. The map distances have been determined for the DNA loci in theT-H-2 interval and theHst-1 gene was mapped in close vicinity to theD17Rp17 locus.