Hepatitis C in asymptomatic British blood donors with indeterminate seropositivity

False positive results are common when low risk populations, such as volunteer British blood donors, are screened for antibodies to hepatitis C virus. In this setting a confirmatory assay is required, but an indeterminate result may still be obtained. This regional blood transfusion service uses a second generation recombinant immunoblot assay (RIBA HCV, Ortho diagnostics) to confirm positive results on enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Donors with indeterminate results in the confirmatory assay are excluded from the donor pool and advised that the use of their blood may not be safe. We examined 61 such donors for evidence of hepatitis C and liver disease. Consecutive patients referred to this liver unit were interviewed and examined. Liver function was checked, and serum was stored at - 70°C. Liver biopsy was performed, and histology …