Results from five hydrographic and biological surveys at different seasons across the Ligurian Sea front, using horizontal continuous measurements and vertical profiles are presented. The vertical circulation across the front is described, and two divergences and one convergence are identified as permanent features from data. The key to find their location for each survey is given. The spatial patterns of 14 zooplankton taxa [Euterpina, Corycaeus, Temora, Candacia, Acartia, Centropages, Oithona, Clausocalanus spp., Calanus, Chaetognatha, Echinoderm, and Cladocera] along the transect are established using variance analysis, principal component and correspondence analyses. The spatial distribution of each taxon is related to the physical structure, and the convection cells evidenced by the scheme appear as different biotopes. The daily variability of the spatial distributions is negligible compared to the annual variability. Distinctions are made between coastal species always inhabiting the peripheral (coastal zone) and others with distinct coastal, frontal and offshore distributions varying with the season. For the latter species the frontal zone is a preferential biotope during their seasonal growth period. Consequently the accumulation of organisms near the convergence cannot be created by the dynamic causes. The role of biological processes in the observed distributions is discussed.