Electrical properties of cultured epithelioid cells (MDCK)

This is a study of the intracellular electrical potential, membrane resistance, and capacity of MDCK cells (epithelioid of renal origin) cultured in monolayers on a collagen couch. These monolayers have a transepithelial resistance of 256±12 (22) ohm cm2 (mean±standard error, and number of observations), and the cells have 61.6±6.3 (92) MΩ across their plasma membrane. The electrical capacity of the cells is 45.1±2.9 (63) pF and is much higher than expected for a cell of its size (diameter 14 μm, height 5 μm) and cannot be attributed to intercellular coupling, as no evidence of this type of connection was found in 20 pairs of neighboring cells. On the contrary, the high capacity is in keeping with previous studies using electron microscopy showing microvilli and a high degree of lateral infolding. The relationship between resistance and capacity was 1981±177 (61) Ω·μF. The cells have an intracellular potential of −40.5±15 (120) mV. Yet the shape of the distribution curve suggests that the actual value may be somewhat higher (some −50 mV). The current/voltage curve shows a marked asymmetry, and in some cells the voltage becomes time-dependent for large, depolarizing current pulses.