Découverte d’un dépôt paralique à bois fossiles, ambre insectifère et restes d’Iguanodontidae (Dinosauria, Ornithopoda) dans le Cénomanien inférieur de Fouras (Charente-Maritime, Sud-Ouest de la France)

A new Early-Cenomanian paralic deposit with fossil wood, amber with insects and Iguanodontidae (Dinosauria, Ornithopoda) at Fouras (Charente-Maritime, southwestern France) . Early Cenomanian estuarine deposits with fossil wood, amber with included insects and a bone bed have been discovered on the tidal flat of the Fouras Peninsula (Charente-Maritime, southwestern France), consequently to a tempest that had removed the sand and mud coverings of the shore. The assemblage of fossil wood contains three taxa of conifers ( Agathoxylon , Podocarpoxylon , Brachyoxylon ) and a Ginkgoxylon . The insects from the amber correspond to Diptera, Hymenoptera and Homoptera. The bone bed contains mainly carapaces of terrestrial turtles (Solemydidae), vertebrae of snakes ( Simoliophis ), and bones of dinosaurs with maybe the latest record of the genus Iguanodon . To cite this article: D. Néraudeau et al., C. R. Palevol 2 (2003).