In order to clarify the pathogenesis of adrenal regeneration hypertension of the rat, the author investigated the metabolism of corticosteroids, water and electrolytes in adrenal-enucleated animals and the histological changes in their organs every week while hypertension persisted. The results were as follows : 1) Hypertension above 130 mmHg accompanied by cardiac enlargement and renal lesions developed 5 weeks after adrenal enucleation.2) The regenerating adrenal was 126 per cent as heavy as a normal gland 5 weeks after the enucleation. Histologically, the glomerular zone appeared in the second week, but regeneration of the reticular zone was not observable even after 8 weeks.3) Adrenal-regeneration-hypertension rats showed a marked decrease in plasma corticosterone, urinary formaldehydrogenic corticoids and reducing corticoids on the seventh day, the values being respectively 12, 15 and 10 per cent of the values in control animals, and a gradual regression thereafter to near normal values. On the other hand, restratoin of 17-ketosteroids lagged behind and showed only 53 per cent of the normal value 8 weeks after the enucleation.4) The regenerating adrenal gland showed normal respose to ACTH administration.5) The remaining kidney showed a marked compensatory hypertrophy within one week after the enucleation and its extractable renin content had a gradual decrease as hypertension advanced.6) The daily consumption of 1 per cent saline drinking solution was significantly higher in the experimental rats than in the control rats 2 weeks after the enucleation.7) Serum sodium and potassium levels increased within one week of the enucleation procedure and returned to the normal level 2 weeks after the enucleation.8) Urinary excretion of water, sodium and potassium decreased during the first week, but after 2 weeks, exaggerated water diuresis and slight increase in sodium excretion were observed.9) During adrenal regeneration there were no excessive amounts of aldosterone nor any significant imbalance in the steroid pattern, compared with control animals.A tentative interpretation of most of the findings was presented.