The 3' ends of most Saccharomyces cerevisiae mitochondrial mRNAs terminate at a conserved dodecamer sequence, 5'-AAUAAUAUUCUU-3', of unknown function. We have studied the consequences of mutations within a dodecamer found in an 1,143-base-pair optional intron of the mitochondrial large (21S) rRNA gene on RNA processing. The dodecamer is situated at the 3' end of an expressed open reading frame (ORF) within that intron, and the mutations are two adjacent transversions that extend the intron ORF by 51 nucleotides. The strain harboring these mutations, L5-10-1, is defective in biased intron transmission in crosses to strains that lack the intron, as are other mutants which contain nucleotide changes within the ORF (I. G. Macreadie, R. M. Scott, A. R. Zinn, and R. A. Butow, Cell 41:395-402, 1985). However, unlike these other mutants, wild-type strains, or petites which retain the intron allele, L5-10-1 is defective in processing at the intron dodecamer. In addition, L5-10-1 lacks a prominent 2.7-kilobase RNA containing both intron and exon sequences and at least two of four RNAs that correspond to various forms of the excised intron. We propose that these RNAs, missing in L5-10-1 but present in all other strains examined, arise in part by processing at the intron dodecamer. In addition, in all strains examined, we have detected a novel processing activity in which precursor 21S rRNA transcripts are cleaved in the upstream exon, about 1,500 nucleotides from the 5' end of the RNA. This activity, together with 3' intron dodecamer cleavage, probably accounts for the 2.7-kilobase RNA species, a candidate for the mRNA for the intron-encoded protein.