Phytochrome-mediated de Novo Synthesis of Phenylalanine Ammonia-Lyase in Cell Suspension Cultures of Parsley

After a preirradiation with ultraviolet light, phenylalanine ammonia-lyase activity in cell suspension cultures of parsley (Petroselinum hortense Hoff.) is controlled by phytochrome (red/far red photoreversibility). Isopycnic CsCl density gradient centrifugation, after labeling with 15N (90 atom%) under inductive and noninductive conditions, was used to investigate the mode of action of phytochrome in this response. After a 5hour labeling period, a buoyant density shift of 0.009 kg·l−1 (0.7%) without band-broadening (indicating close to maximal labeling of the enzyme), was observed in irradiated cells. In dark-grown controls, the density shift was 0.004 kg·l−1 (0.3%), accompanied by significant band-broadening, indicating turnover of about half of the enzyme pool during 5 hours. These results are taken as evidence that phytochrome controls de novo synthesis of this enzyme over a background of basal turnover.