A study by crossed immunoelectrophoresis performed in conjunction with precipitate excision and polypeptide analysis identified a new antigen complex in the envelope of Escherichia coli ML308-225. This antigen corresponds to antigen 43 in the crossed immunoelectrophoresis profile of membrane vesicles (P. Owen and H. R. Kaback, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 75:3148-3152, 1978). Immunoprecipitation experiments conducted with specific antiserum revealed that the complex was expressed on the cell surface and that it contained, in equal stoichiometry, two chemically distinct polypeptides termed alpha and beta (Mrs of 60,000 and 53,000, respectively). The beta polypeptide was heat modifiable, displaying an apparent Mr of 37,000 when solubilized at temperatures below 70 degrees C. Analysis of fractions obtained following cell disruption, isopycnic centrifugation, and detergent extraction indicated that both alpha and beta polypeptides were components of the outer membrane. The two polypeptides were not linked by disulfide bonds, and neither was peptidoglycan associated. The complex contained no detectable lipopolysaccharide, enzyme activity, fatty acyl groups, or other cofactors. Neither correlated with E. coli proteins of similar molecular weight which had previously been shown to be associated with the outer membrane. Antibodies were raised to individual alpha and beta polypeptides. Each of these sera was shown to be subunit specific when tested against denatured membrane proteins. In contrast, each immunoglobulin preparation coprecipitated both alpha and beta polypeptides when tested against undenatured proteins derived from Triton X-100-treated membranes. The results reveal the presence of a novel bipartite protein antigen in the outer membrane of E. coli.