IgG antibodies against polyisocyanates in car painters

A group of thirty car painters exposed to vapours and aerosols of paint containing prepolymer and monomer of hexametylene diisocyanate (HDI) was investigated. Specific antibodies against monomer HDI and prepolymerized HDI were analysed with RAST (IgE) and ELISA (IgG) assays after conjugation of the haptens with human serum albumin. There was no significant increase of serum IgG antibodies against HDI monomer, nor of specific IgE antibodies against HDI monomer or prepolymer. Specific IgG antibodies against prepolymerized HDI were significantly increased, as compared with non‐exposed referents (medians 0.11 vs 0.03 absorbance (A)). Six car painters were found to have specific IgG antibodies of subclass 4 against HDI prepolymer, four also against HDI monomer. This shows an association between exposure and specific IgG antibodies. Thirteen subjects had suffered symptoms of rhinitis and/or conjunctivitis, and ten had symptoms from the bronchi (two asthma). There was no significant association between symptoms and levels of specific antibodies. Most of the symptoms were slight and unspecific, probably due to irritative effects of the exposure.