Hypotensive and renal effects of Captopril

The effects of Captopril on blood pressure and renal function were evaluated in ten patients with different degrees of hypertension. In seven, blood pressure was reduced after 7 weeks of therapy; in three it remained practically unchanged. No correlation was found between the standing plasma renin activity before treatment and the hypotensive response. Plasma renin activity increased significantly from the median value of 5.4 (range 1–16.7) to 9.5 (range 2.6–19.8)ngml1 h1 (P< 005) and urine aldosterone significantly fell from 13 (range 2–3–52–5) to 7.4 (range 1.6–14) μg 24 h‐1 (P‐1, but the difference was not significant, and glomerular filtration rate fell significantly form 122 (range 64–143) to 88 (range 71–116) ml min‐1 (P2‐macroglobulin was observed during Captopril. 24 h proteinuria, albumin and transferrin clearance, alanine‐amino transferase, gammaglutamyl transfer‐ase and alpha glucosidase excretion rate and malate‐dehydrogenase clearance remained unaltered throughout the treatment. This indicates that neither glomerular permeability nor renal tubular function were affected by the drug.