Influence of magnetic interactions on the magnetic properties of dilute AuMn alloys

We have measured the initial susceptibility χ and magnetization M up to H=50 kG of a series of AuMn alloys (n=502000ppm Mn) from 1.2 to about 100 K. Our results for χ and M obey quite well the scaling laws predicted for magnetic impurities which interact via the Ruderman-Kittel-Kasuya-Yosida (RKKY) interaction, viz., χ(n,T)=F1(Tn) and M(n,T,H)n=F2(Tn,Hn). From the observed decrease of the magnetization per impurity atom as the Mn concentration increases, V0=(2.4±0.3)×1037 erg cm3 is determined for the strength of the RKKY interaction, V(r)=(V0cos2kFr)r3. The observed approach to saturation of M is also consistent with this value for V0. For the spin per Mn atom we find S=2.25±0.1, assuming g=2.