The Effects of Streamwise Concave Curvature on Turbulent Boundary Layer Structure.

Concave curvature has a relatively large, unpredictable effect on turbulent boundary layers. Some, but not all previous studies suggest that a large-scale , stationary array of counter-rotating vortices exists within the turbulent boundary layer on a concave wall. The objective of the present study was to obtain a qualitative model of the flow field in order to increase our understanding of the underlying physics. A large free-surface water channel was constructed in order to perform a visual study of the flow. Streamwise components of mean velocity and turbulence intensity were measured using a hot film anemometer. The upstream boundary was spanwise uniform with a momentum thickness to radius of curvature of 0.05. Compared to flat wall flow, large-scale, randomly distributed sweeps and ejections were seen in the boundary layer on the concave wall. The sweeps appear to suppress the normal mechanism for turbulence production near the wall by inhibiting the bursting process. The ejections appear to enhance turbulence production in the outer layers as the low speed fluid convected from regions near the wall interacts with the higher speed fluid farther out. The large-scale structures did not occur at fixed spanwise locations, and could not be called roll cells or vortices. (Author)

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