Does urinary taurine reflect changes in protein metabolism? A study with cycloheximide in rats

We have previously reported on the changes in urinary taurine levels in rats following treatment with some hepatotoxic agents and compounds reported to affect protein synthesis. This study follows the time course of the elevation of urinary taurine after treatment of rats with cycloheximide which was maximal 8-12 h alter dosing and was dose related. [(3)H]-leucine incorporation into proteins was used as an indicator of protein synthesis. There was a significant reduction in [(3)H]-leucine incorporation into acid precipitable proteins 8 h but not 24 h after dosing. The reduction in incorporation was negatively correlated with the raised levels of both serum and urinary taurine 8 h after dosing. Liver glutathione was raised both 8 and 24 h after dosing rats and liver taurine was significantly reduced at 8 h. It is suggested that measuring urinary taurine in collections made continuously might provide a simple, non-invasive biomarker for monitoring the effects of xenobiotics or other external stimuli on the status of protein synthesis.