Anyone who has been actively engaged in cattle feeding since the turn of the century is likely to feel that great changes have taken place in the industry in the last 50 years and that these changes have been very rapid since World War II. It is true that significant changes have taken place, but these have come largely under the headings of practical utilization of feeds, management, facilities and transportation rather than in beef cattle nutrition. Anyone who analyzes critically the rations used is bound to be impressed that rations fed today do not differ greatly in content from those used 25 years ago. In the opinion of the writer the major contributions to the field of beef cattle nutrition in the last 50 years have been few. Space does not permit a complete review of the work done in all of these areas. Exhaustive compilations have been made in a number of areas and no attempt will be made to cover those areas in detail. Rather, the reader is referred to published works which already exist. In those areas where the information is scattered, an attempt is made here to summarize. Copyright © . .