Failure of young goats to acquire resistance toHaemonchus contortus

Two experiments were carried out to investigate the acquisition by goats of resistance to Haemonchus contortus. In Experiment 1, five Saanen wethers reared worm-free and averaging 51/2 months of age at the start of the experiment, were dosed with 200 H. contortus infective larvae three times per week for 10 weeks (approximately 23 infective larvae/kg mean initial liveweight/week) and then given anthelmintic treatment. Each goat and an equal number of worm-free controls were then challenged with 10,000 infective larvae. Post mortem worm counts were carried out 30 days later. In Experiment 2, eight worm-free Saanen wethers, 14 months old at the start of the experiment, were dosed with 825 infective larvae per week for 14 weeks (approximately 23 infective larvae/kg mean initial liveweight/week) except for one week when only 300 larvae were given and one week when no larvae were given. After anthelmintic treatment, each received, together with seven worm-free control animals, a challenge dose of 15,000 infective larvae. Post-mortem worm counts were carried out 28 days later. There were no significant dii- ferences in post-mortem worm counts between previously infected and uninfected groups in either experiment. In both experiments, serum pepsinogen values rose significantly as a result of infection but there was no significant (p>0.5) correlation between worm counts and pepsinogen values on the day of slaughter.