Effects of Abscisic Acid on Growth of Wheat (Triticum aestivum L)

Daily application of abscisic acid (ABA) to growing wheat plants, although initially inhibiting growth, resulted, after a short lag, in an increase in the number of leaves and tillers. This may have been due to reduced apical dominance. At 84 days the total dry weight and area of all leaves produced up to this time was less for the plants treated with ABA than for the control plants. However, the area of green, living leaves and the dry weight were not significantly affected by the ABA treatment. Further effects of the daily ABA treatment were the inhibition of transpiration, especially on the abaxial surface, the reduction of leaf size, the promotion of flowering and the stimulation of trichome formation on the leaf surfaces. ABA did not promote leaf senescence in whole plants and actually increased leaf longevity.