Ganglionic circulation and its effects on neurons controlling cardiovascular functions in Aplysia californica

The abdominal ganglion of the mollusk Aplysia californica receives most of its blood supply through a small caudal artery that branches off the anterior aorta near its junction with the heart. Injection of an ink/gelatin mixture into the caudal artery revealed a consistent pattern of arterial branching within the ganglion and a general proximity of larger vessels to identified neurons controlling circulation in this animal. This morphological arrangement was particularly evident for the heart excitor interneuron, cell L10, which lies next to the caudal artery near its entry into the ganglion. In electrophysiological experiments, L10 was excited when blood flow or oxygen tension within the ganglion was reduced. This effect was expressed as a gradual increase in impulse frequency of L10 and conversion from tonic to bursting mode of spike discharge. L10 follower cells in the RB and LD neuron clusters were affected synaptically by the changes in L10 activity, while other follower cells (L3 and RD neurons) responded independently of L10's synaptic influence. The neurosecretory white cells (R3 to R14) that innervate the major arteries and pericardial tissues were also excited when ganglionic circulation was interrupted. In innervated preparations of the heart and respiratory organs, decreased circulation through the abdominal ganglion stimulated a transient increase in the rate and amplitude of respiratory (gill) pumping and pericardial contractions and caused a sustained increase in activity of the heart. Both responses increase cardiac output and both appear to involve a direct influence of ganglionic circulation on interneurons controlling the gill and heart. These results indicate that the cell‐specific patterns of excitation and inhibition caused by fluctuations in ganglionic circulation may be important factors for maintaining circulatory homeostasis in this animal.