Influence of a Magnetic Field on the Transport Coefficients of Oxygen Gas: Anomalies Associated with theσ=0Multiplets

The transport coefficients of Σ3 molecular oxygen in magnetic fields show large deviations from an Hp law, even at moderate pressures and fields. This complex behavior is explained by the effect of a quadratic Zeeman splitting of the σ=0 multiplets, superimposed on the normal linear splitting. Because the normal linear splitting is very small for σ=0, the anomalous effects occur at fields far below the true Paschen-Back region. Collisionally uncoupled model calculations give the transverse viscosity coefficients in quite detailed agreement with experiment. The distinct behavior of the single- and double-frequency viscosity coefficients reflects distinct selections from the internal-state frequency spectrum, determined by weight factors |Y2μ(θ,φ)|2 in the orientation of J. The anomalous behavior of the even coefficients is predicted to be quite complex. In particular the Hp curves of η1+ at about 4 Torr should show three steps, instead of the usual two, and the behavior of λ should be similar.