High density lipoproteins, insulin secretion and coronary risk factors in latent coronary insufficiency

Coronary heart disease (CHD) risk factors were studied in presumably healthy men, examined for preclinical CHD. Coronary angiography was performed in most ‘latent CHD’ subjects. High density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol and apoproteins did not differ significantly between men with latent CHD (some with angiographic changes) and men without evidence of CHD. HDL cholesterol was positively correlated with physical activity. Insulin secretion was, however, positively associated with physical inactivity, body weight and serum triglycerides. Men with the highest insulin secretion had the lowest glucose tolerance. The study confirms the covariance between HDL cholesterol, insulin secretion, serum triglycerides, body weight and physical activity, but does not support the theory that HDL is a major ‘negative risk factor’ in middle-aged men with preclinical CHD.