A low cost chair-type device capable of absolute determination of radioactive body burdens in the range of interest for radiation protection purposes has been in use in the M.I.T. Radiation Protection Program for more than 3 yr. Experience has shown that this unit represents a practical compromise between expensive, research oriented whole-body counters capable of minute measurement, and the generally less demanding needs of the health physicist. The calibration of the unit, first accomplished by phantom studies and measurements of persons with known body burdens and later expanded by cross-calibration with the whole body counting facility at the M.I.T. Radioactivity Center, is discussed in detail. The findings of zinc-65 in cyclotron workers, iodine isotopes in the thyroids of perons working with millicurie quantities of radioiodine, activation products in reactor personnel who handle irradiated samples, and detectable radionuclides in radiochemistry workers are presented.