Ground-state magnetic resonance of DyPO4in the far infrared

Magnetic resonance has been observed in the Ising system DyPO4 utilizing a far-infrared laser magnetic-resonance spectrometer, in applied fields HC sufficient to saturate the spin system. The resonance spectra obtained at 220.23 μm (45.407 cm1) and 171.67 μm (58.25 cm1) at 4.2 °K were composed of three superimposed hyperfine patterns. Two of them were six-line patterns, one from Dy3+161 (I=52) and one from Dy3+163 (I=52). In addition there was a central line due to even isotopes (I=0). All six lines of Dy3+163 were resolved, yielding a value for the spin-Hamiltonian parameter (Ag)163=37.2×104 cm1, while for Dy3+161 we obtained (Ag)161=26.6×104 cm1 from the four components which could be resolved. From the two I=0 resonances at 53 338 and 67 579 Oe, we obtain g=19.32. The effects of a large nonuniform demagnetizing field on the line shape have been observed and analyzed in detail.