Meson Form-factors and Wave-functions with Wilson fermions

Results for semi-leptonic form-factors for processes like $D \to K l \nu$ and the Bethe-Salpeter amplitudes (BSA) for pion and rho mesons are presented. The form-factor data is consistent with previous calculations. We find that the long distance fall-off of BSA for both $\pi$ and $\rho$ is very well fit by an exponential, but surprisingly the effective mass governing this fall-off is lighter than the pion's. Lastly, by studying the dependence of $\rho$ polarization on separation direction we show that there is a measureable $l=2$ state in addition to $l=0$ in the BSA for the rho. (Talk presented by R. Gupta at LATTICE92. Latex needs macro package espcrc2.sty)