Evidence for the Presence of the Toxin-Binding Protein on the Plasma Membrane of Sugarcane Cells

Helminthosporoside is a host-specific toxin produced by Helminthosporium sacchari , both in culture and in infected sugarcane tissue. The susceptibility of any given clone of sugarcane to disease is invariably associated with the presence of a toxin-binding protein. This report presents evidence for the presence of the toxin-binding protein on the plasma membrane of the plant cell. This evidence includes, among others: ( 1 ) The protection of susceptible plant tissues by prior treatment with antiserum to the binding protein, ( 2 ) the successful pyridoxylation and reduction of the binding protein in vivo followed by its isolation, ( 3 ) the reaction of sugarcane cells and free protoplasts with [ 3 H]antiserum prepared against the binding protein, and ( 4 ) the agglutination of sugarcane protoplast preparations with antiserum to the binding protein.