Software Tools for Scalable Multilevel Application Engineering

Contemporary activities at CSCS/SCSC have resulted in two complementary software systems for practical parallel programming. Both developments are user oriented and application driven, efficiently exploiting and reusing dem onstrated portable technologies at multiple levels that we have proven to scale to systems with large numbers of processors. The Annai parallel application engineering environment supports existing standards for portable pro gram development (HPF, Fortran, C, MPI) and offers con venient program browsing and navigation, execution con trol, and interaction mechanisms. Specific functionality for parallel programming includes high-level language sup port for unstructured computations, interactive source- level symbolic debugging with deadlock detection and deterministic execution replay, SPMD/data-parallel debug ging with distributed breakpoints and array visualization, scalable profile summary displays of execution statistics accumulated at runtime, and detailed program evolution and processor interaction charts. The intelligent program development environment (PDE) is typified by four char acteristics supporting programming at a very abstract level, closer to the scientist's perspective: application- oriented problem description formalisms, the use of design skeletons and templates, an interactive user guidance mechanism, and automatic program synthesis tech niques. Ongoing work aims at the integration and further development of sofar demonstrated results with additional advanced technologies into comprehensive application engineering and problem-solving environments for pro ductive parallel computing with distributed resources.

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