Irradiation of three partially ordered alpha-copper-zinc alloys containing 20, 30 and 36 per cent Zn with 2 MeV electrons in the temperature region between 40 and 140°C caused an increase of the degree of short range order. The equilibrium state of order obtained thus depends slightly on the irradiation temperature. For the activation energy of the ordering process during irradiation an activation energy of 0.29±0.03 eV was found for all three alloys. After a prolonged irradiation of the 20 per cent alloy a temperature independent enhancement of diffusion was found. For the temperature-dependent diffusion a square root dependence, while for the temperature-independent diffusion a linear dependence, of diffusion rate on the electron flux was observed. These results, when compared with the theoretical predictions, suggest that the ordering rate during irradiation is determined by interstitialcy diffusion. The activation migration energy of interstitials was determined to be 0.7 eV and the binding energy between interstitials and traps was found to be small, i.e. of the order of 0.1 eV. The results are in close agreement with the 'two interstitial model'.

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