Highly Selective and Simple Synthesis of C2m−X−C2n Fullerene Dimers

Energetic-radiation-induced dimerization reaction of fullerenes was found to be a simple and highly selective method for synthesis of C2m−X−C2n (m = n or mn) type molecules without formation of other products. Utilizing the new method, C70−C−C70, C60−C−C70, C60−C−C60, and C70−O−C70 were prepared and characterized. The method is capable of synthesizing new C2m−X−C2n molecules by introducing X (different atoms) into the reaction system. Energetic radiation created reactive sites for covalently bonded bridges between fullerene molecules originally only weakly bound by van der Waals force. This observation may open a new subject and practicable approach for polymer sciences of fullerenes.