Coupling of Functional Gene Diversity and Geochemical Data from Environmental Samples

Genomic techniques commonly used for assessing distributions of microorganisms in the environment often produce small sample sizes. We investigated artificial neural networks for analyzing the distributions of nitrite reductase genes (nirSandnirK) and two sets of dissimilatory sulfite reductase genes (dsrAB1anddsrAB2) in small sample sets. Data reduction (to reduce the number of input parameters), cross-validation (to measure the generalization error), weight decay (to adjust model parameters to reduce generalization error), and importance analysis (to determine which variables had the most influence) were useful in developing and interpreting neural network models that could be used to infer relationships between geochemistry and gene distributions. A robust relationship was observed between geochemistry and the frequencies of genes that were not closely related to known dissimilatory sulfite reductase genes (dsrAB2). Uranium and sulfate appeared to be the most related to distribution of two groups of these unusualdsrAB-related genes. For the other three groups, the distributions appeared to be related to pH, nickel, nonpurgeable organic carbon, and total organic carbon. The models relating the geochemical parameters to the distributions of thenirS,nirK, anddsrAB1genes did not generalize as well as the models fordsrAB2. The data also illustrate the danger (generating a model that has a high generalization error) of not using a validation approach in evaluating the meaningfulness of the fit of linear or nonlinear models to such small sample sizes.