The evolution of a passive scalar field is considered for a slowly varying stratified medium, which is convected in an incompressible sheared flow with many overlapping static flux islands. Within the quasilinear/random phase approximation, a multiple scale expansion is made. Because of the rapid spatial variation of the temperature, the ‘‘ensemble’’ averaged slowly varying part of the solution is not described by the arithmetic average of the oscillatory evolution equation. The standard Markovian and continuum approximations are shown to be invalid. For times of order N, where there are O(N2) excited modes, most of the time‐dependent perturbation phase mixes away and the fluid reaches a new saturated state with small time oscillations about the temperature. This saturated state has smaller resonance layers (corresponding to magnetic islands), than those that occur in the isolated resonant perturbation case. Thus the quasilinear response to the resonant interactions reduces the effective size of the perturbations. The temperature gradient of the saturated state vanishes at all the excited resonance surfaces but has a nonzero average. Thus either the quasilinear approximation ceases to be valid on long time scales or the fluid remains essentially in this modified equilibrium and does not evolve diffusively. Thus collisionless, driftless fast particles will not be lost rapidly in equilibria with many small islands.