A locus has been identified in turkey DNA that contains nucleotide sequences homologous to the oncogene (v-rel) in the avian retrovirus, reticuloendotheliosis virus strain T. This locus, c-rel, has been molecularly cloned from an apparently heterozygous turkey. c-rel is approximately 23 kilobase pairs in length, with at least seven apparent introns, and contains sequences sufficient to account for all of v-rel. Nucleic acid sequence differences exist between v-rel and homologous regions of c-rel. We examined a population of turkeys to determine whether these sequence differences are the result of polymorphism in the population. Within the turkey population, c-rel is dimorphic in apparent introns and 3' flanking sequences, but polymorphism has not been detected within the regions of the c-rel locus that are homologous to v-rel. Additionally, no nucleic acid sequence differences have been detected between the regions of c-rel in turkeys that are homologous to v-rel and the sequences related to v-rel of a homologous locus in chickens (Chen et al., J. Virol. 245:104-113, 1983). The general organization of introns and flanking sequences is conserved for both c-rel in turkeys and this locus in chickens, indicating that c-rel, like other proto-oncogenes, may have an important development or metabolic function.