The Relationship between Diagnostic Information Available at Admission and Discharge for Patients in One PSRO Setting

Professional Standards Review Organization (PSRO) operating guidelines recommend the use of Professional Activity Study (PAS) length of stay norms for conducting concurrent review. These norms, determined by aggregating discharge abstracts from PAS hospitals in the same United States census region, are assigned to patients based only on information known at admission. This study investigated the relationship between patient information available at admission and the information available at discharge in light of its effects on the concurrent review process. Analyzing 52,210 patient records from 68 hospitals in one PSRO setting, it was found that changes in patients' primary diagnosis resulted in changes in their PAS diagnostic category for 41.3 per cent of the patients. A change in PAS diagnostic caetgory after the assignment of the review norm resulted in missed and unnecessary reviews as well as early and late reviews. These findings indicate that there are serious operational problems with the current method of performing concurrent review.

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