Effect of nickel(II) on DNA-protein binding, thymidine incorporation, and sedimentation pattern of chromatin fractions from intact mammalian cells

Nuclear uptake and chromatin binding of nickel(II) was investigated in Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells. The cytoplasmic:nuclear ratio of nickel immediately following treatment was 5:1, but by 24 and 48 hours this ratio decreased to 4:l and 2:1, respectively, indicating that nickel is retained longer in the nucleus than cytoplasmic nickel. Chromatin was fractionated by sonication and centrifugation into fast-sedimenting, magnesium-insoluble, or magnesiumsoluble components. The magnesium-insoluble portion bound more nickel ions and retained the metal longer than either the magnesium-soluble or the fastsedimenting fractions. Treatment of cells with nickel chloride (NiCl2) decreased the amount of DNA in the magnesium-insoluble fraction but increased the amount of DNA in the fast- sedimenting chromatin fraction. The magnesium-insoluble fraction isolated from nickel-treated cells contained approximately ten times more [35-S]-methionine–labeled protein per milligram DNA compared with untreated cells. The magnesium-soluble and the fast-sedimenting fractions isolated from the nickel-treated cells did not exhibit a similar increase in [35-S]-methionine–labeled protein per milligram of DNA. Nickel treatment suppressed [14-C]-thymidine incorporation into total DNA by 30% compared with untreated cells. However, the magnesium-insoluble chromatin fraction from nickel-treated cells had a tenfold to 20-fold increase in thymidine incorporation, while the other chromatin fractions did not exhibit an increase in thymidine incorporation. These findings indicate that nickel induced widespread alterations in chromatin conformation and preferentially interacted with an Mg-insoluble component of chromatin.