Work on this paper was carried on, during a year of leave (1938-9), in the Zoological Laboratory at Cambridge, but was interrupted by the outbreak of war. I then had the benefit of discussing the work with the late Professor J. Stanley Gardiner, F. R. S. , at whose suggestion its completion was postponed till my return to Cambridge after the termination of the war. The present paper, based on his Fungid coral material from the Indo-Pacific region (Gardiner 1898, 1905, 1909), the late Dr Cyril Crossland’s collections from Tahiti and the Red Sea and mine from the Bermudas and Tortugas, is supplementary to a previous one (Matthai 1940), in which the mode of growth in Astraeid corals was considered. My thanks are due to the late Professor J. Stanley Gardiner, F. R. S. , for help rendered in various ways, to Professor J. Gray, F. R. S. , and Mr F. R. Parrington, M. A. , for facilities in the Department of Zoology and for accommodation in the Museum, to the Royal Society for financial aid and to the Governing Body of Emmanuel College, Cambridge, for hospitality during a year of residence.

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