Fine Structure of the Malpighian Tubule in Aedes aegypti1

The malpighian tubule in Aedes acgypti adults is formed by 2 cell types: (1) the principal cell which forms the great bulk of the tubule, and (2) the stellate cell interspersed singly along the tubule. Both cell types possess ultrastructural features characteristic of cells engaged in ion balance and osmoregulation. These include extensive basal infolding and the differentiation of an apical brush border of microvilli. The central area of the cytoplasm of the principal cell is highly vacuolated while in the stellate cell it is finely granular lacking vacuoles. The microvilli in the principal cells enclose elongated, dense mitochondria whereas the stellate cell microvilli lack mitochondria. Excretory granules of an as yet unknown chemical nature accumulate in the principal cell cytoplasm after a blood meal.

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