Maximum oxygen intake per kilogram body weight of Caucasian, Bantu, and Bushmen males in a similar state of physical training are not significantly different, being about 48 ml/min kg. This figure is similar to that of Robinson's Negro sharecroppers and to the U. S. Army recruits of Taylor et al. Very highly trained men, i.e., Åstrand's gymnasts and international class athletes, have higher values. Landy's is 76 ml/min kg. Sedentary existence reduces this figure to about 40 ml/min kg. Oxygen consumption plotted against work rate is significantly lower for Bantu men than for Caucasian; Bushmen are like the Bantu. Ventilation volume (BTPS) plotted against oxygen consumption is about 30 liters/ liter oxygen consumption at 6,000 ft altitude, compared with 20.6 liters for Åstrand's men at sea level. Submitted on July 1, 1962