The Ventilatory Response to Carbon Dioxide in Asthmatic Children, Measured by the Mouth-Occlusion Method (PM100)

Ventilatory responses to carbon dioxide vary widely in patients with bronchial asthma; some have a high response despite increased airway resistance. This paradoxical response was studied in 31 asthmatic children and 22 age-matched healthy children. Measurement of the ventilatory response to carbon dioxide with a conventional rebreathing method showed wide variation in the patients, paralleling the degree of their airway obstruction as measured by the one-second forced expiratory volume and maximal midexpiratory flow rate, but their mean response was similar to that in the control subjects. The ventilatory response was then determined with a new index (PM100), which rises linearly with increasing carbon dioxide concentration. Despite wide variation in the slope of PM100 in the patients, their mean response significantly exceeded normal, confirming that the neurochemical drive is increased in bronchial asthma.