DNA Methylation Affects Meiotic trans-sensing, Not Meiotic Silencing, in Neurospora

During the early stages of meiosis in Neurospora, the symmetry of homologous chromosomal regions is carefully evaluated by actively trans-sensing their identity. If a DNA region cannot be detected on the opposite homologous chromosome, then this lack of “sensing” activates meiotic silencing, a post-transcriptional gene silencing-like mechanism that silences all genes in the genome with homology to the loop of unpaired DNA, whether they are paired or unpaired. In this work, we genetically dissected the meiotic trans-sensing step from meiotic silencing by demonstrating that DNA methylation affects sensing without interfering with silencing. We also determined that DNA sequence is an important parameter considered during meiotic trans-sensing. Altogether, these observations assign a previously undescribed role for DNA methylation in meiosis and, on the basis of studies in other systems, we speculate the existence of an intimate connection among meiotic trans-sensing, meiotic silencing, and meiotic recombination.