A Scintillation Counter for Laboratory Counting of Alpha-Particles

A simple, reliable, wide range alpha-counter has been developed which is suitable for the routine counting accompanying radiochemical laboratory analysis. This instrument utilizes the alpha-scintillation process in conjunction with a photomultiplier tube and a commercial Geiger tube power supply, amplifier, and scaler. Desirable features include low cost, ease of construction, ruggedness, and long life. Tests performed on the completed counter assembly indicated the following operating characteristics: a counting efficiency of 100 percent for 4–5 Mev alpha-particles; a resolving time limited by the electronic circuits (photomultiplier pulses have a rise time of about 0.5 microsecond); a counting rate unaffected by variations in temperature, humidity, or pressure; a background below 10 counts per hour. The chief undesirable feature is the small field of view for high sensitivity. Samples to be counted must be small, about ¼ in.×½ in. maximum, and must be confined to a known region on the sample holder.

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