Superconducting and magnetic properties of the heavy-fermion compounds UT2Al3(T=Ni,Pd)

The resistive upper critical field Hc2 as a function of temperature T has been determined for polycrystalline specimens of the isostructural antiferromagnetic heavy-fermion superconductors UT2 Al3 (T=Ni, Pd). The zero-temperature superconducting coherence lengths ξ0=190 Å (77 Å) for T=Ni (Pd) have been estimated from the initial slope of Hc2(T), and analyses of previously reported specific-heat data yield an effective mass enhancement m*/me∼40 (49) for T=Ni (Pd), where me is the free-electron mass. High-precision measurements of the normal-state electrical resistivity reveal a broad anomaly below 4.6 K in UNi2 Al3, which correlates with the onset of U-moment antiferromagnetic ordering. In UPd2 Al3, the large electrical resistivity drop between Tc and TN≊15 K can be accurately described by an expression that is appropriate for an antiferromagnet with an energy gap Δ≊40 K and an additional T2 term reflecting Fermi-liquid behavior.