Sex‐ and age‐related normal limits for the QRS complex in vectorcardiography

In order to provide reference values for vectorcardiography (VCG), which are relevant with regard to sex, age and available computer technology. VCG from a normal material were studied. VCG according to Frank were recorded in 159 men and 193 women, healthy and randomly selected from a defined caucasian urban population. The technique used includes noise reduction by averaging and a spatial algorithm for QRS delineation. The results are given separately for men and women and for young and old subjects. Significant differences between these groups were found to be common and of potential importance for interpretation of VCG. Discrepancies between our results and other reports on normal ranges can be explained by both different techniques used and different composition of the material studied. On the basis of our data normal limits for a number of measurements, commonly used in diagnostic criteria for myocardial infarction and ventricular hypertrophy are reported.