Odd-Parity Baryon Resonances

A formalism is developed that is useful for discussing the spin dependence of collinear reaction amplitudes of hadrons. The formalism is applied to the potentials in meson-baryon states, where the mesons and baryons are members of the SU(6)W supermultiplets 35 and 56. The simultaneous assumptions of SU(6)W symmetry and dominant low partial waves lead to predictions concerning odd-parity baryon resonances very similar to those of the quark model. If the potential corresponds to the SU(6)W representation 70, the set of predicted resonances corresponds to the (70, 3) representation of SU(6)O(3). Effects are present that are analogous to spin-orbit splitting and configuration mixing in the quark model. These effects are calculable, so that the model leads to more predictions than the quark model. The predictions concerning the quantum numbers, masses, and branching ratios of the resonances are compared with experiment. The over-all agreement is good.

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