For the past forty years inorganic silicon and gallium arsenide semiconductors, silicon dioxide insulators, and metals such as aluminum and copper have been the backbone of the semiconductor industry. However, there has been a growing research effort in aorganic electronicso to improve the semiconducting, conducting, and light-emitting properties of organics (polymers, oligomers) and hybrids (organic±inorganic composites) through novel synthesis and self-assembly techniques. Performance improvements, coupled with the ability to process these aactiveo materials at low temperatures over large areas on materials such as plastic or paper, may provide unique technologies and generate new applications and form factors to address the growing needs for pervasive computing and enhanced connectivity. If we review the growth of the electronics industry, it is clear that innovative organic materials have been essential to the unparalleled performance increase in semiconductors, storage, and displays at the consistently lower costs that we see today. However, the majority of these organic materials are either used as sacrificial stencils (photoresists) or passive insulators and take no active role in the electronic functioning of a device. They do not conduct current to act as switches or wires, and they do not emit light. For semiconductors, two major classes of passive organic materials have made possible the current cost/performance ratio of logic chips: photoresists and insulators. Photoresists are the key materials that define chip circuitry and enable the constant shrinking of device dimensions [1±3]. In the late 1960s, photoresist materials limited the obtainable resolution of the optical tools to