Ribosomes can slide over and beyond “hungry” codons, resuming protein chain elongation many nucleotides downstream

In cells subjected to moderate aminoacyl-tRNA limitation, the peptidyl-tRNA-ribosome complex stalled at the "hungry" codon can slide well beyond it on the messenger RNA and resume translation further downstream. This behavior is proved by unequivocal amino acid sequence data, showing a protein that lacks the bypassed sequence encoded between the hungry codon and specific landing sites. The landing sites are codons cognate to the anticodon of the peptidyl-tRNA. The efficiency of this behavior can be as high as 10-20% but declines with the length of the slide. Interposition of "trap" sites (nonproductive landing sites) in the bypassed region reduces the frequency of successful slides, confirming that the ribosome-peptidyl-tRNA complex passes through the untranslated region of the message. This behavior appears to be quite general: it can occur at the two kinds of hungry codons tested, AUA and AAG; the sliding peptidyl-tRNA can be any of three species tested, phenylalanine, tyrosine, or leucine tRNA; the peptidyl component can be either of two very different peptide sequences; and translation can resume at any of the three codons tested.