Immune-Cell Augmentation (with Altered T-Subset Ratio) Is Common in Healthy Homosexual Men

To the Editor: A profound deficiency in immune function underlies the ongoing epidemic of Kaposi's sarcoma, opportunistic infection, and other disorders associated with AIDS.1 2 3 A major feature of the immune deficiency in AIDS is a reversal of the ratio of helper to suppressor/cytotoxic T cells.1 2 3 4 5 6 The altered ratio is based primarily on the reduced percentage and numbers of the helper (Leu-3+/ OKT4 +) subset of lymphoid cells (Table 1).Reduced ratios of helper to suppressor/cytotoxic T cells have been reported by Kornfeld et al.7 in healthy, sexually active homosexuals. We have also found a reduced Leu-3:Leu-2 ratio in . . .