Ultrasonic Assessment of Fetal Growth in the Nonhuman Primate (Macaca mulatta)

Serial ultrasound measurements of fetal growth were made during uncomplicated pregnancy in 28 time‐mated rhesus monkeys. Gestational sac (GS) size, crown‐rump length (CRL), biparietal diameter (BPD), head circumference (HC), head area (HA), abdominal circumference (AC), abdominal area (AA), and femur length (FL) were measured. Average longitudinal growth curves for each parameter were obtained from individual fetal growth curves. Data analysis indicated that the linear model was optimal for GS, CRL, HA, AA, and FL. The linear‐quadratic model was optimal for AC, and the linear‐cubic model was optimal for BPD and HC. Indexing Words: Fetal growth · Rhesus monkey · Ultrasound.

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