Compound mutants for the paralogous hoxa-4, hoxb-4, and hoxd-4 genes show more complete homeotic transformations and a dose-dependent increase in the number of vertebrae transformed.

The Hox gene products are transcription factors involved in specifying regional identity along the anteroposterior body axis. In the mouse, several single mutants for Hox genes show variably penetrant, partial homeotic transformations of vertebrae at their anterior limits of expression, suggesting that compound Hox mutants might show more complete transformations with greater penetrance than the single Hox mutants. Compound mutants for the paralogous group 3 genes, hoxa-3 and hoxd-3, show deletion of a cervical vertebrae, which is not readily interpretable in terms of an alteration in regional identity. Here, we report the skeletal phenotypes of compound mutants in the group 4 Hox genes, hoxa-4, hoxb-4, and hoxd-4. Mice mutant for each of these genes were intercrossed to generate the three possible double mutant combinations and the triple mutant. In contrast to the hoxa-3, hoxd-3 double mutants, group 4 Hox compound mutants displayed clear alterations in regional identity, including a nearly complete transformation of the second cervical vertebrae toward the morphology of the first cervical vertebra in one double mutant combination. In comparing the types of homeotic transformations observed, different double mutant combinations showed different degrees of synergism. These results suggest a certain degree of functional redundancy among paralogous genes in specifying regional identity. Furthermore, there was a remarkable dose-dependent increase in the number of vertebrae transformed to a first cervical vertebra identity, including the second through the fifth cervical vertebrae in the triple mutant. Thus, these genes are required in a larger anteroposterior domain than is revealed by the single mutant phenotypes alone, such that multiple mutations in these genes result in transformations of vertebrae that are not at their anterior limit of expression.