Optical properties and electron-phonon interactions in superconducting transition metals

The infrared optical properties of various high-temperature superconductors are analyzed using a Drude form of the dielectric function ε(q,ω). By plotting the imaginary part ωε2 vs ε1, we identify the interband contributions, and estimate the plasmon damping Γ from the slope in the frequency range where the Drude form is justified. Thus we estimate the electron-phonon coupling parameter λ which enters the BCS expression for the superconducting transition temperature Tc. Independently we estimate λ from resistivity data, for temperatures T>300 °K using the plasma frequency extracted from the optical data. For Nb the analysis gives good agreement for λ0.7 obtained from optical, resistance, and Tc data. For the A15 compounds Nb3Ge, Nb3Sn, and V3Si the λ values estimated from the optical data are in accord with the resistance measurements but generally are found to be much too small, typically λ<~0.2, to account for the high superconducting temperatures (Tc20 °K) of these materials.