Evaluation of Trinder's Glucose Oxidase Method for Measuring Glucose in Serum and Urine

Trinder's method for glucose has nearly all the attributes of an ideal automated colorimetric glucose oxidase procedure. The chemicals used in the color reaction with peroxidase are readily available, the solutions are stable and can be prepared by the user, the method is highly specific and largely free of interferences, the sensitivity can be adjusted by the user to cover a wide range of glucose concentrations, and the reagents are not hazardous. We found very good agreement between results by this method and by the hexokinase and Beckman Glucose Analyzer methods. The method has been modified and adapted to the AutoAnalyzer I and SMA 6/60 (Technicon) with manifolds that give very little interaction between specimens. A study of the method by the simplex technique revealed that the glucose oxidase activity in the reagent is the most critical variable.