Growth and Feed Efficiency of Pureline and Crossline Dairy Heifers

Data on 3957 heifers from the Holstein H line, Ayrshire-based A line, and C line (crossbreds between H and A lines) were used. Growth, feed consumption, and feed efficiency from 26 to 34 wk were examined. The full model included the fixed effects of herd, year of birth, season of birth, and additive, maternal, and heterotic genetic effects with 26-wk weight as a covariate. Heterotic and maternal effects were not significant. Adjusted for the 26-wk weight covariate, H line heifers gained 3 kg more than A line heifers with C line heifers intermediate. Adjusted for 26 and 34-wk weight covariates, H line heifers ate 2 kg less TDN than A line heifers and, hence, were more efficient. Correlations among traits were estimated using the residual variance-covariance matrix from the full model. Body weight at 34 wk was correlated with 26-wk weight (r = .88) but essentially independent of rate of gain (r = .02). It was correlated with feed consumed (r = .51) and negatively associated with gain/feed consumed (r = -.25). Gain was correlated (r = .84) with gain/feed consumed but mildly so (r = .28) with feed consumed. Feed consumption was negatively correlated (r = -.25) with gain/feed consumed when the 26-wk weight covariate was included but became much larger (r = -.95) when both 26 and 34 wk weight covariates were included. Although genetic differences in feed consumption and feed efficiency of growing heifers exist, these are smallk and closely associated with weights and weight gains.