Investigation of Rotational Relaxation by Double Resonance and Stark Switch Techniques

For the four rotational levels JK₋K₊ = 101, 110,212 and 221 of ethylene oxide all possible four level double resonance experiments for dipole allowed transitions have been performed to investigate collisional effects and to determine the relative change of signal intensity, η = ⊿I/I, due to high power pump radiation. The T1 and T2-relaxation times have been measured for all dipole allowed transitions within these four levels. A combination of the data obtained from both experimental methods allows the determination of rate and bath constants taking into account only first order dipolar transitions. No further restrictions have been used. This approximation is supported by a triple resonance experiment. In addition to the pure gas investigation in the absence of external fields, rotational relaxation has been studied in the presence of a static electric field and in a mixture with hydrogen.

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